Wednesday, November 18, 2009

309 Days Until the Big Five-0

1 + 1 = 11 or 6

I suck in math. It is like music, it escapes me. I try and try to make sense out of numbers and how they relate to one another and nothing adds up. I decided to pour Elmer’s Glue on the chair in front of my computer and firmly glue my ass to the seat so I could spend the entire day writing for my blog (which means writing for what, for whom? Is anyone out there, besides my sister-in-law?)

I wanted to figure out how many days I missed in my countdown so I could provide a complete and accurate 36Five days worth of entries (even if I missed writing for 3 weeks and then wrote a whole bunch of entries on one day) on July 12, 2010. So in an effort to figure out where I was and where I needed to go before my children re-enter my life at 3:00 p.m. Standard Central Time I checked out my last entry which said 310 days left.

To most people this would mean I have written exactly Fifty Five entries as part of my countdown. I started the blog before the countdown but I think if I included those entries it would be cheating and I would rather fail than cheat (I am patting myself on the back as I type – not an easy thing to do). Okay, so I found a web site that will calculate days between dates.

There are 129 days between July 12, 2009 and November 18, 2009 (today). There are a total of 36Five total days in a calendar year. 36Five Minus 129 days (number of days between my 49th birthday and today) would give me the total number of entries I would need to type if I want to actually catch up to the present time and begin again to try and blog DAILY (not going to happen) or maybe not fall so far behind that when July 12, 2010 rolls around I have a lousy 100 entries and have to admit I lack the will power, the talent and the energy to reach my initial goal.

36Five – 129 = 236. So in “count down” language, cause I am going back wards I should be at 236 Days Left Until the Big Five-O, right??? But I am currently at 310 Days Left which means I need to type 310 – 236 number of entries to bring my blog countdown current! 310-236= 74 entries.

According to the Web Site that calculates for me, there are 236 days left until I turn the Big Five-O So 236 PLUS 74 (total entries missing as of today) should add up to 36Five total days between my 49th and Fiftieth Birthdays. Are you following me? Cause I am so fricken confused right now I might have to lay down.

Because 236 + 74 = 300 and there are 36Five days in a year (aka between any two given birthdays (no Leap Years involved – THANK G-D!) Yet, I am at 310 days left but should be at 236 days left. If I type 74 new entries today and keep counting DOWN I should be at 310-74=236 days until my Big Five, which is exactly right but I have no fricken idea how I just got here. I am dizzy.
So now you know why I got an 11 in the Math Portion of my ACT test, which is why I always say 1 + 1 = 11 I am pretty sure I only got two answers correct. Luckily I scored relatively well on the other three sections (not too difficult to do) so my Average Score (which I could never figure out how they go that one either) was not so terrible. My synapses must be crossed all over the damn place. No wonder I cannot create and follow a story line. I can’t get from Point A to Point B for the life of me. This explains a lot. I think I just had an epiphany. You really do need math skills for EVERYTHING, even writing. A teacher once explained that every good story must have an “Arc”. Isn’t that a Math Term???

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