Friday, July 17, 2009

a poem?

Do all writers start out as poets? I remember the first time I wrote creatively (not as an answer to a question like "what did you do on your summer vacation). It was a poem. I may even have it somewhere in a tiny spiral notepad. "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue blah blah blah. And you are too." Dear Lord, perhaps we all start out as plagarists. Who was the first person to come up with the "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue" line? It has been used so much I cannot even recall where it started. I would love to know.

I have not written a poem since high school. Yet, one just popped into my head. I think it was prompted by a gift my brother and sister-in-law gave me. A beautfil leather bound journal. Whenever I get journals as gifts I consider them an invitation to write. My sister-in-law is always encouraging and supporting me. I wonder how I will be able to thank her one day. Perhaps I will write her a poem.

A Poem, July 17th

Blank pages
Silence rages
A Dried out pen
What, Why, When
Drooping Eyes
Sad Surprise
Stories untold
Mysteries unfold
Finding my place
Is an empty space

How can I fill the pages?
Quietly sooth the rages
Fill up the pen
Discover the why and when
Open my eyes
Uncover the lies
Tell the stories
The pain, the glories

Where are the words?
Why are they hiding?
Could it be they are there?
Waiting to be shared
I will never know
Without the necessary energy flow.

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