Friday, July 17, 2009

Pass the box, forget the milk...

My husband bought a box of Honey Nut Cheerios the other night during a routine stop at the grocery store. Usually he is like the main character in Jack and the Bean stalk (and a little like the goose who laid the Golden Egg – not that I am calling myself a golden egg, I mean he also is the only source of income in our family. I usually send my hunter man out with an easy to follow list of 1-2 items and he returns with bags and bags of all sorts of goodies, none of which are on the original request list. I was thrilled the other night when I asked him if he could stop and get some Diet Coke . It was a rare and wonderful sight when he showed up with the actual requested item. But he still had bags and bags of things I had not requested. But how could I complain, I got what I wanted. I will tell you how I can complain. I got more than I wanted which is not always a good thing. Even after 15 years of marriage I had kept a dark secret. I had a terrible addiction. My husband knew about the Diet Coke addiction. Everyone who knows me is aware that I sleep with an IV hooked up to help with a continuous 24 hour delivery of Diet Coke into my system. But there is another addiction and it is one I have been hiding for a long time. My favorite food is not Carson’s Ribs, Fettuchini Alfredo or the Salmon and Sweet Potato combo at Wildfire. No, I can be totally turned upside down and into a slobbering fool by a box of cereal. So, what possessed my husband to buy a box of Honey Nut Cheerios. He usually buys himself a wide variety of food, but never cereal. When we first got married he made fun of the fact that I considered cereal a snack. I don’t care for milk. I just ate it “dry” like potato chips. His idea of a snack was a food product that was actually found in the snack aisle. But lately I think he has been picking up some of my bad habits and he has been snacking on cereal. I know which cereals to buy so I will be able to control myself and not fall off the wagon into the sea of consumption, and Honey Nut Cheerios is NOT one of them.

I ate the entire thing in less than 36 hours. It is my cereal addiction rearing its ugly head. I guess that makes me a cereal killer. I know what cocaine and heroine can do so I guess I should be thankful my drug of choice is a carbohydrate laced in some sweet tasting sugary combination. I even have my top ten list of all time favorite cereals. If anyone ever creates a fancy restaurant where all they serve are bowls of cereal I bet it will be impossible to get a reservation. When I go to the grocery store the Cereal Aisle is like the walk of temptation for me. My top ten list, oh it changes from time to time when a new kid on the block comes out of nowhere and takes my taste buds and seemingly bottomless belly by surprise, but here goes:

Puffins (original FLAVOR)
Honey Nut Cheerios
Cinnamon Life
Lucky Charms
Frosted Flakes
Golden Grahams
Go Lean (regular, NOT crunch)
Coco Puffs
Fiber One (any of them) (have added value in departments other than just taste)
Good Friends by Kashi

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