Saturday, July 18, 2009

359 Days to the big 50

Irony: A paradox between what happens and what might be expected to happen.
Paradox: A statement that seems contradictory, but that may nevertheless be true. an enigma, as a person or thing that possesses contradictory qualities

I needed to look up the definitions of the words Irony and Paradox because even though I use those words often I feel there is a complexity involving and surrounding them I have not yet fully grasped. I think knowing how they are defined by Webster's Pocket Dictionary (I stole it from my 13 year old son's bedroom) should help me understand the reason I accidentaly knocked a little cast iron Rhino figure sitting on the second shelf of the hutch on the desk I am working at onto my Laptop computer at which point the tiny horn bounced off the number 5 taking the little number pad with it to the ground.

The Rhinoceros has become a motivational symbol in my house ever since one of my husband's friends gave us a book entitled Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander. My husband and I are both on the same quest to live up to our potential and that means reading and learning from a wide variety of motivational, and inspirational sources. Soon after reading the book, I was buying every Rhino figurine I could find. We took pictures of ourselves with Rhinos at a wide variety of museums and zoos. I am far more superstitious than my husband. So I need to know if there is a connection between our belief in the power of Rhinos and the fact that one of them fell off from the middle of the Hutch sitting on the desk and the only damage done was to the number STOP! Pull out extra keyboard....5 key. Let me say right now, we are not Rhino worshipping cult figures. We simply use it as a type of good luck charm, or perhaps as a way to motivate ouselves into being the best we can be.

You see, now I am now forced to pull out the little extra key board I keep hooked on the sliding shelf in the desk whenever I want to type the number STOP! Pull out extra keyboard... 5. Otherwise I have gotten use to resting my wrists on my lap top while using the laptop's keyboard for everything but the number STOP! Pull out the extra keyboard...5 (and that little per cent figure which is on the Capital portion of that key). Are you bored reading this yet? I am bored writing it. But I need to get this out so I can continue to move forward with my life and my blog. I do not want to take the time or the money to get the number STOP! Pull out the extra keyboard...5 fixed on my laptop. I would have to send it into Dell. I think Dell should offer House Calls the way doctor's use to. I cannot be without this laptop right now. Yet, this is the time I have chosen to start a blog about turning STOP! Pull out the extra keyboard... 50

See it is disruptive to the writing process and I just made it disruptive to the reading process. So you will never hear/read me talk about this annoying lack of a number STOP! Pull out extra keyboard ....5 key on my laptop ever again. But please know I am willing to go to any lengths to continue on this mission. Perhaps I should reward myself when it is all said and done by having the number STOP! Pull out extra keyboard....5 key fixed once I have successfully completed the countdown. Is that irony?

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