Monday, July 13, 2009

364 More Days Until The Big 50

The countdown begins..... I must post at least one thing a day until I turn 50. I am not allowing myself to skip one day. Not ONE. No matter how short or stupid the Post Might Be, it Must still BE.

Okay, I was out to dinner the other night with two friends. One of the friends is a Jewish Girl married to a Jewish Guy. The other friend is a Catholic girl married to a Jewish Guy. As we were joking around the Catholic girl started to explain what prevented her from doing bad things in her youth, Guilt. Her mother would tell her not to do things like drinking and sex because if she did then G-d would punish her. Ooooohhhhh I am so scared I said. Your catholic guilt cannot hold a candle (no pun intended) to my Jewish guilt. My mother told me if I did anything bad it would give her a heart attack and kill her and I would have to live with that hanging over my head for the rest of my life. Well tomorrow my mother turns 90. I guess she was lieing to me because by my recollections she should not have gotten past my senior year in high school. Happy Birthday Mom.

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