Tuesday, July 14, 2009

363 Days Until the Big 50

I use to run after guys on motorcycles the way little kids chase the sounds of the bells on the ice cream truck. The summer of my 19th birthday I fell for a life guard who had a motorcycle (cause enough for a multiple orgasm even before any physical contact). I would take the Devon bus going away from my house and towards the beach so I could then get a ride home on his motocycle. I would never wear a helmet. It just wasn't sexy. Years later when MTV was born I would watch Videos filled with young tan people on beaches, on motorcycles, tempting each other in short shorts and would think, "that was me once." Oh, I knew my youth and all the wonder it held was slowly slipping away. Now I see a motorcycle and think, "No way would I get on one of those. Why aren't those people wearing helmets, don't they know how dangerous it is to ride without a helmet?"

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