Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rough Draft

Today I turned 49! So, I have decided to consider the first 49 years of my life and the next 12 months as my "Rough Draft". I will begin revising on July 12, 2010 when I turn 50 and hope to have a "final version" before July 12, 2060 (yeah, I am going all the way to 100 BABY).

In the meantime, I am going to have a COUNTDOWN to the big 50 on this blog. I am not exactly sure what form this will take other than I am committing myself to posting at least one blog segment a day as part of the COUNTDOWN. This project will culminate with my one woman stand up show (location to be determined) on the Saturday, July 10, 2010 (the weekend prior to my big 50 BDAY). Everyone I know will be invited. Anyone who reads this can attend. I do not want any gifts! I mean it. I only want you to buy all your own drinks, because the more you drink, the funnier I will get, GUARANTEED! I will not be spending a penny. In returned for your kind attendance and purchasing of your own alcoholic beverages, I will provide the entertainment. I have already started preparing the script. I encourage you to tell all your friends. By making this a public promise I hope I will actually go through with it. As the little engince that could once said...

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can......

So mark your calendars, Saturday, July 10, 2010. Be there, be drunk (don't drive), be happy.

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