Tuesday, January 5, 2010

289 Days Until the Big Five-0

More thoughts on friends….

Am I being cynical or realistic? The other day I told my son there are only going to be a handful of people you will be able to count on, really count on, in your life. That adds up to 5 people. You will learn the following as you fly through life:

The Five People you can truly trust and rely on in this world are:

1. Yourself.
2. Your mother (in most cases, but unfortunately not all).
3. Your father (if you are lucky since most fathers are men and I tend to think it is rare
to find a nurturing man)
4 and 5 will most likely be a friend, not just any “friend” but that rare individual who you will share your soul with and who will want to protect your shared soul like the treasure it really is.

I feel awful telling my son this but I know it is true. That means outside of your immediate family you can expect to find another 2 people in this world who will be truly reliable trustworthy, and dependable. Everyone else is pretty much always going to put themselves first. It is just human nature. They don’t mean any harm by it so don’t take it personally when someone disappoints you, doesn’t call back or show up when they say they will, forgets to include you in plans or to think how one of their comments might make you feel. Just learn to trust and love your self. The old adage is true; “you are your own best friend.” There is a reason some of these sayings get passed down and around over time. They survive the test of time, the greatest test of all. This is also why I tell my children, a “real” friendship takes decades to grow. The rest of the friends are lovely plastic potted plants you can use to decorate your life, bur the rare one who roots run deep into the earth and get tangled up with yours at the core that is one you will need like water and oxygen.

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