Tuesday, January 5, 2010

288 Days Until the Big Five-0


You can’t put your head on someone else’s shoulders. This meant you cannot make other people think or act like you do.

The complaint department is on the 9th floor. This was specific to the building I grew up in which only had three floors.

People are people. I never really got this one but I think it was meant to help me accept anyone with two legs and opposable thumbs regardless of how distasteful I found them to be.

Bishop the Moil (my Yiddish transliteration) for “just wipe it off your face”, which meant suck it up and turn the other cheek all at once.

The door swings both ways. In other words: “if you don’t like it leave.” No one is holding you back.

My mother is definitely one great philosopher. I should have been taking notes. So many of the brilliant, funny sayings she threw like confetti over our daily lives have been lost over time. Funny, I have all her jewelry. She made sure to pass that along, but neither of us ever thought it would be her words I would have loved to have held onto. A string of plastic beads or even a diamond ring cannot hold the magic of her mind and the way she used phrases to steer us through life. “If you have nothing nice to say, shut up” was one of my favorites, a simple twist on an old line like lime in a martini.

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