Wednesday, December 9, 2009

296 Days Until the Big Five-O

Let me get this out first:

I hate myself for what I am about to write, but I can’t help myself either. It has to come out. As my children will tell you I am a “jump on the bandwagon” kind of fan. I only like sports when a home team is doing well and then I become the head cheerleader. It must be due to all the energy created in the atmosphere by the media here in Chicago when we get a team that is doing well. Otherwise, Sports, for me, is a fairly boring topic. But a team going to the Super Bowl, WOW, or the World SERIES, HOLY COW (ooops wrong team, sorry Harry), or a team skating to the Stanley Cup (who the hell was Stanley?). So, all the media now is creating energy around an athlete, not really the team or the sport, and I can’t help myself. Which now brings me back to the real topic of this post.

Maybe Tiger could not help himself? Maybe he is a sex addict and Dr. Drew could help him on one of those fabulous detox shows he is doing on some cable channel. Are sex addicts any different than alcoholics (even Oprah has done a show on sex addicts and it was RECENT, but BTTS (Before The Tiger Scandal). You see, I don’t care if Tiger gets to use his fame and money to attract bees to his honey comb. That is his business, but what puzzles me is if someone knows he has this addiction, then why did he get married? The two lifestyles simply don’t go together (like an alcoholic becoming a truck driver – some where, some day, someone is really going to get hurt). You see I get it. An addict (sex, drugs, rock and roll) gets a real, genuine feeling of being HIGH when satisfying their addiction. It is euphoric. I get it. But why drag some innocent woman into a marriage, impregnate her, and then humiliate her in front of the world. We know you did not did not do this because your wife was not pretty enough, sexy enough, fun enough, smart enough. Hell Men cheat on the most beautiful women in the world. There are no guarantees in life. Men do it because it gives THEM a high, and gosh darn it, they deserve it (in their own minds at least).

I am sure as time progresses more and more women will feel empowered to follow this example of the easy solution for massaging ones ego. However, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were all just a little more honest with ourselves and each other? If you choose not to control your sexual appetite, then DON”T get married! It is really that simple. Ask George Clooney. He looks very happy to me. However, if you do decide you would prefer the lifestyle of a wife and children or a wife and no children, then realize that in order to be a genuine success at the role of husband and father, you will need to control that appetite or find ways to fulfill those needs WITHIN the context of the marriage. Your EGO cannot take precedence over your wife’s mental and physical well being. It is that simple. You are putting an innocent person at risk for a whole host of possible diseases (even if you do use a condom, take Sex Education 101, Herpes can be transmitted without intercourse, not to mention unsightly cold sores in the mouth area, or oral sex which is also an avenue commonly used for transporting diseases). More importantly you are destroying the most valuable resource of any marriage, TRUST.

So Tiger, I jumped on the bandwagon of the millions now following your every move in the media instead of on the golf course. Once again, our society has chosen to take an Athlete and turn him into some kind of HERO, Role Model, Salesman for everything from Watches to Sports Drinks, to Clothing to Lifestyle. And in reality all they really are is a distraction from the real world issues we should be thinking and talking about, health care, jobs, scientific research, the take over of our government by the corporate elitist putting profits over people. It is more fun to read about some rich athlete who is able to find sleazy women willing to sleep with him.

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