Monday, August 31, 2009

331 Days Until the Big Five-0

Okay, I finally got it. I am so proud. There is a difference between DVR and On Demand and I am in on the big secret. DVR is the same as VCR but you do not get to see a tape ever. It is all invisible like the lap top I am writing on. I use to have a typewriter and I could see the paper in front of me while the words magically appeared as I rat a tat tat on the keys. It made me feel like a piano player but I was the only one who could hear the music my words were making inside my head. If I want to see hard evidence that my words will last long after the screen goes blank, I have to add one more key stroke, PRINT. Once I have the papers in my hand, I believe the laptop has done what it said it said it was going to do. I need METAPHORS in order to understand anything from algebra to laundry. I bet that guy wrote about it in the book A Mind At a Time. We all learn in different ways. I learn by Metaphor. In order to grasp a new concept I need to compare it to something else that I already understand. It also explains why my writing is often criticized for having an overdose of metaphors. If you can die from an overdose of drugs, can your essays die from an overdose of metaphors? Are they the heroine of literature? I think they are and I am addicted.

Okay, I would now like to explain the Difference Between DVR and On Demand for anyone else out there who might be suffering from the same limited frames of reference and learning. . DVR is like VCR, they are threee letter acronyms ending with the same two letters. The V is for Video. The R is for Recording and the only difference is the D and the V. D is for Digital and V is for Videotape. You can hold a Videotape in your hand so you know it is real. You cannot hold a Digital in your hand (I think). I learned all this from my husband this morning. He opened my eyes to a whole new world when he figured out how to explain it to me. Up until now I thought On Demand meant I was recording things, but On Demand is something else entirely. I am not exactly sure yet, but It is sort of like a Library. You check out a book (movie) and return it when it is over. You have to go to the Library on your Television to look at the titles of what is available. So is it only movies or can I rent entire seasons of shows like the ones they have a blockbuster? I will have to ask my teenage son for the answer to that question. Some things are even beyond my husband’s knowledge in the rapidly changing television world. The Blockbuster by our store is closing down. Several months ago they changed from Digital to Analog (I have no idea what that really means) and I had to take my old television set and tie a white flag to the antennae before placing out on the lawn as a sign of my surrender to the Analog Invasion. Luckily, I had several television sets that did not have antennaes and were able to move through the transition gracefully.

I miss the good old days where we changed channels by rotating a dial on the set and the number of choices meant we spent more time actually watching a show as opposed to flying through channels with the greatest of ease. Hi Ho Silver, who was that masked man carrying a VCR Machine and a Television with Two Long Sticks protruding from its head?? He has gone into television lore back when WGN Morning Television meant the Lone Ranger, The Cisco Kid, Frazier Thomas and his wonderful Matinee’s starring Sherlock Holmes and Charlie Chan. Anyone catch the soft Porn on Melrose Place? Charlie would be appalled. You would never see his number one son strutting half naked across the screen as if he was auditioning for a Stag Film. Oooops, did I just end this little blurb with a metaphor???

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