Friday, August 12, 2011

Reinventing the Wheel, and the Blog, and the Purpose

Can I reinvent my blog? Can people reinvent themselves? Isn't that what Jay Gatsby was trying to do? It did not work out so well for him, but then again he was a fictional character and I think both my Blog and I are REAL. I was going to start from scratch with a new name, a new design, and a catchy new Mission Statement etc. but then I realized there is not such thing as "reinventing". There is only evolving. This is the entire reason for the saying "let's not reinvent the wheel." If it already exists we can change it anyway we need to but that is not reinventing, it is modifying. So, I should just continue down the path in this House of Mirrors where I keep bumping into myself. I never seem to find my way "out."

And what if I did finally find the Exit Door. I am not sure I would like what I found upon exiting. Would I be in some smelly carnival where the ground is littered with sticky food, and the air is filled with noisy children being screamed at by their parents, rowdy teen agers swearing at each other in an effort to feel cool, and the smell of beer and cigarettes? Or perhaps I would be in an amusement park from long ago where a House of Mirrors was part of a larger landscape including a tunnel of love, a haunted house, and a fun house with moving floors and a spinning drum exit. Would I just get on another ride, a merry go round or a ferris wheel? Either way I would simply be spinning my wheels. At least in the House of Mirrors I can check to see if my lip stick is still on. So, I will see me and hopefully you (a reader or two) as I once again try to fill the Internet Galaxy with the tiny stars we call words.

I was going to name my new blog "Shooting Stars" and then googled that phrase and found it was a rather common name for Blogs. I am not someone who is accustomed to having a common name, and neither should my blog. So, "Here's looking at you kid." (I am just speaking to myself in the mirror - of course).

I wanted to be unique in my naming of a new blog

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