Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bitch is Back

I am at the apple store with Steve for a one on one, not that kind of one on one. It is the kind of one on one where a 25 year old tells an old lady how to maneuver on a computer. It is sad but true, I used a reference to an old Elton John song for the title of this post and Steve had no idea what I was referencing. He also let me know WordPerfect is no longer available and I am actually using Microsoft word. Next thing you know he will be helping me cross the street.

See you tomorrow. I am going to learn how to take this out of Microsoft Word (aka Wordperfect for those of us over 50) and put it on my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! Yeah!!!! More!!!! (and, btw, a hard drive is not what u think it is, the DVD tray is not a cup holder and an Ipad is not a sanitary napkin... And, for G*d's sake...wordperfect? Really?) ;-)
