Friday, August 27, 2010

For Paul

This is dedicated to Paul. No, not my favorite Beatle, my friend!

Okay Paul, I hope you are happy. I have just spent 3 hours writing. I will have to edit and re- write and add a lot more later, but now I have to get on with my day. So I am unable to put anything up of substance at this time. I hope to have a better entry later but

I tried. I really tried. I sat and typed the whole morning stopping only long enough to put loads of laundry in and out of the washer and to reload my cereal bowl (one box of Cheerios and one box of Fiber One have bought the dust – or should I say recycle bin). But, I have other obligations. I am overweight and out of shape. I should be exercising. I have errands to run and bills to pay. This writing thing takes forever! I have been sitting here and the only parts of my body getting any exercise are my fingers. I guess I would save time and be more productive if I stopped eating dry cereal throughout the process, but I firmly believe every writer should be allowed one vice. I mean Hemingway and Williams had alcohol. Hey, now I know where I am going wrong! Damn it! I picked the wrong addiction. No wonder my writing sucks. I will write more later, now I have to jog over to the liquor store.

Love Benita

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