Friday, May 7, 2010


I need to find a way begin writing with regularity and discipline. I thought I was finally in the flow the other day, but I allowed myself to be interrupted and I never got back into the stream. It was the wrong thing to do. I was writing and I let them in… those little distracters… my husband, my kids, my friends, and my memories of my mother. All these people want me to do something for them. My husband wants me to find a plumber. My son needs me to make an appointment for him at the eye doctor so he can get new contact lenses. My daughter needs me to drive her to a friend’s house so they can hang out. My friend wants me to join her in meaningless outings because she wants to comfort me and does not know how. My memory of my mother….wants me to bring her back to life, if only in a Hologram created in my mind.

Even worse, one word can lead me into a long and winding detour where I come upon endless ideas that never develop beyond embryos. For example, the above paragraph, the word “distracters” leads me to think there is a Science Fiction/Fantasy story hiding inside my mind. But I know there isn’t. The mere thought itself is simply another distraction.

Help, I am trapped in my own mind and I cannot get out…

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