Tuesday, December 1, 2009

301 Days until the Big Five-O


I cannot BELIEVE this? I am considering giving up on the word “HOPE” for good.

I had hoped Barack Obama was going to be the President who would change the status quo.

I had hoped a President Obama would use that wonderfully gifted mind to guide a moral compass that would finally re-direct our country back on the path of peace, justice and prosperity for all.

I had hoped that even though Barack Obama was merely a mortal, and not a man of steel, his integrity and convictions were made of steel.

I believed him when he spoke of reaching out to main street, investing in our educational system and pulling our troops out of Iraq.

I believed things could be different and our country was not on an irreversible course headed toward re-enacting the collapse of the Great Roman Empire.

I believed in the tooth fairy.

Where has HOPE gone? I BELIEVE it has disappeared.

Instead of acting like FDR and taking the horse by the reigns, designing job initiatives and using the overwhelming MANDATE for Change and the power of the people who elected him, President Obama has opted for a half baked LBJ impersonation. But I won’t be fooled again. I BELIEVE Barack Obama will be a one term President, and the greatest disappointment in our nation’s history. At least with Bush we knew what to expect when the neo-conservatives planted him in office. We got the back slapping, good old boy puppet we deserved. But we did not deserve this masquerade from the man who ran one hell of a campaign and now cannot run a country.

Be Brave Barack. Stop listening to the same old voices from Finance to Foreign Policy.
It is not too late. Keep our troops home. Learn more about Afghanistan and the dynamics of the Middle East. Make decisions based on valuing human life over oil. Challenge America to come up with GREEN Processes to eliminate our need for oil.. Start a nation wide JOB Initiative and get our Industries competitive again. Hell, we made a nuclear bomb, conquered Polio, and landed on the moon. Aren’t we better than nation destroying, war mongering greedy occupiers? I had HOPED we were.

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