Wednesday, August 26, 2009

337 Days Until the Big Five-0

Technically this should have been written on August 9, 2009. The Truth is it is August 26, 2009. But what does The Truth mean these days in an era where Town Hall Meetings are met with uninformed people yelling about a government that they don’t trust, but would like to see implemented in every other country across the globe? It has to be the same extreme right wingers who were manipulated into beating the war drums for on an invasion into a country under the false premise of looking for WMD’s. who are now screaming about the government trying to help people who cannot afford health insurance. Makes sense I guess if you blindly believe in people who do not have your best interests at heart.

So, Truth Be Told, I have always run late. Please don’t tell my husband I am admitting to this because I will vehemently deny ever having said or written it even though it is sitting here for all to see on paper/computer (I still cannot accept something truly exists if it is only on a computer screen, call me an artifact). One of the main things holding our marriage together is our endless dispute on who is causing us to be late all the time. This unresolved matter ensures we can never part because then the truth would be revealed. If forced to go our separate ways, then surely one of us would be proven wrong when he or she showed up late and the other was right on time. However, there is no denying I am the poster child for Late Bloomers – they should cultivate and name a rose after me, the “late blooming Benita”. It would be a mixture of colors fighting for dominance on each velvety petal. I think the reason I have always been a late bloomer is because I am so petrified of making any decisions. But all that is going to change when I turn Fifty. I am going to roll the dice and let the cards fall where they may. I know, I can’t even decide which gambling game metaphor to use.

So, it only makes sense that I have to back track and catch up by posting 20 separate entries until this Blog is current and my countdown can continue on schedule and I will reach my launch date of July 12, 2010 with a total of 36Five (remember I don’t have a key for the number Five on my lap top) entries culminating in a one woman show where I will dazzle and entertain the intoxicated (and bore the hell out of the rest of you).

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