Saturday, July 25, 2009

352 Days to the Big 50

Today's posting is a pot luck of ideas that popped into my head.

Whoremones what happens to teen age girls
Moremones what happens to teen age boys
Scoremones what happens when whoremones and moremones get together

Catholic Guilt: A mother says “ G-d will get you and punish you so you better not do that (whatever that is, usually it is something your friends are already doing).

Jewish Guilt: A mother says “You are going to kill me with that kind of behavior. I will die of a heart attack and it will be all your fault.

Mixed Marriage means the both of best worlds of guilt but only if the mother is the Jewish one in the relationship:

Mother says: After I die because of your stupid behavior THEN the good lord is going to chase you down to the depths of hell where you will burn with all your nasty friends who made you behave like a moron because they did not want to be the only ones acting that way.

Looking back is hard, but looking forward is harder, which must explain why so many of us get trapped in the past. See you tomorrow, I hope....

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