Wednesday, July 29, 2009

349 Days until the Big 50

I thought this went on yesterday. I did NOT miss a day. I must have missed a key on the keyboard though. I hope this works now. This is further proof I need to do all my writing and posting in the morning. I am obviously compromised in the evenings and I tried to put my post last night after a long day. I cannot find the original poem I planted on yesterday's post, but while I search my endless computer records I found this substitute which will have to do while I continue looking. I know this will say it was published on July 29th meaning there will be a vacany on July 28th making it look like I missed a day. I guess that is why we cannot, and more importantly SHOULD NOT, give to much credit to how things "look!" Because things are never really what they "seem" to be be.

Wishes on Kisses

The mommy kisses her little boy

The little boy kisses his daddy

The daddy kisses his little girl

And the little kiss swirls round the world.

Butterfly kisses float from eyelashes to grandma’s cheeks

While Eskimo kisses bump noses high upon snow peaks

Carefully placed kisses heal wounded elbows and knees

And a hug with a thank you kiss is sure to please.

Is it time to put the kids and the kisses to sleep?

Are the stars and clouds starting their moon light dance?

Can we go to a land of wishes in the sky so deep?

Where inside our dreams there’s always one more chance.

Noisy kisses fit perfectly between giggling friends

Whose playtime is over when the day begins to end.

Did you know there were wishes hiding in those kisses?

It’s true.

The people who love you want you to have sweet dreams.

They fill their kisses with wishes like water filling a stream.

Don’t forget to count all your kisses before you close your eyes.

So you will find your wishes before the morning sun rise.

And while we all sleep the little kisses swirling around the world will keep us warm and safe all night

Until the kisses land back on earth in morning light.

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