Friday, April 10, 2009

I am starting this Blog today as a way to share the wit and wisdom I have accumulated over the last 48 years. My friend Paul J. told me to share my writing. I wanted to develop and sell cheesy products on television or win the lottery in order to achieve financial success. The problem is I kept coming up with ideas other people had already executed. I asked Paul what what business should I be in:
Product Development
Help me out here I begged him. Why do I still want to be a peddler like the guy with the truck from the TV show Green Acres. At which point Paul sent me a photo of Dear Mr. Haney and wrote "and by the way you already know the answer. What brings you greater joy than anything else? Seriously?

To which I replied, "didn't you steal that line from Glinda the Good Witch?" I have always had the power, I just needed to learn the lesson that is was inside me the whole time. Which leads me back to the blank page. I hope I can find the answers in these words I plan on stringing together overtime, over space, over the internet.

It is better to have a big butt when learning how to ice skate. A bony but is bad because it doesn't provide a good landing pad. Words to live by.


  1. I knew my big butt had a purpose!!! Yeah big butt!!!

  2. i am commenting on my own blog to see how it workds
