Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Passwords...Constant Changes...Computer Confusion

Every time anyone wants to "do" anything on a computer site they must sign in and give their password.  For example, I want to add a post to my overly neglected Blog.  In order to post, I must sign in and give my password.  I want to make a comment on HuffPost, I must sign in and give my password.  I want to apply for a job on Snagajob.  I must sign in and give my password.  I understand the need to make sure the person doing all these things is really me and the only way to know that is if I create a password only I know.  And here in lies the problem.

I can never remember the damn passwords.  I write them down on a slip of paper and put it somewhere.  Then I lose the piece of paper and the password and need to re-set my password by coming up with another password I will write down somewhere and lose.  Then one day I thought why not just have ONE password for everything.  I tell this brilliant idea to my husband and he yells "NO! That is very dangerous.  Don't do that."   My lack of understanding computers and technology never ceases to amaze him.

So I made a red folder and promised myself to log and keep every site along with its password in one place next to my desk.  So how come I tried to sign in today to write a post and found myself "locked out?"  I had the password in my own messy handwriting right there in front of me, and still I got it wrong?!

Maybe it wasn't my fault.  The format for this Blogger site was changed and it no longer looks anything like the way it did when I first started putting my wonderful words out there for all the world to see. Okay, no delusions of grandeur, I think maybe 5 people read some of my posts.  I am sure after my many prolonged absences even those few dedicated readers gave up and went their merry way onto other Blogs better at posting new material on a more prodigious scale. But change is not my thing and I am easily confused. I learn something one way and I simply cannot "unlearn" it and learn a new way.
How dare they change the templates and format!  And who the hell are "they?"

I have no idea if this post will show up on my Blog.

But if it does, I need help coming up with a Name for my New Blog....

Any ideas?  Is anyone out there?  Can you hear/see me?